CA | Nth order neighbors

Neighborhood info

Automaton info Update statistics

Generation: 0

generations (or -1 to only update at the end)


Cell info (Click to select for lottery and/or payload inspection) Update with reference cell

Automaton settings

Relocate stacked cells
Enable seed augmentation
Seed padding
Include all known values in lottery

Neighborhood size:
Global influence:
Random element:
Check count

Factor (0-1): , min (default: -1): , max (default: +1):

Slots: Allow blocking by enforcement ("duplicate variants")
First update at: gens, Update cycle: every gens Refresh active memory 0
neighborhood search size:
Scale similarity scores by neighborhood max
Calculate similarities (kNN-only)
Impact level:
(Note: for kNN this does NOT mean a choice between geographically near and socially near neighbors, but instead how much of the voting power of a cell is decided by socially similarity)
Debug mode on

Neighborhood rules

(0 = simple GoL) Slider type: ratio Slider type: count
No rules needed. Choose a neighborhood size greater than 0 to define rules.
Update statistics

Lifetime tracking

Tallies by Age and Memory

Tallies by Social on the live grid (incl. passive memory)

Tallies by Social in active memory

Seed statistics


Welcome to using GISCA! This tool will let you run an advanced cellular automaton with Nth order neighborhood rules and real data from the Linguistic Atlas Project (LAP). We strongly recommend using Google Chrome for the best performance.
  • Use the keyboard or buttons to control the game
  • Click individual cells on/off with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON (click or hold down for tracing)
  • Create boundary cells with CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON (click or hold down for tracing)