Complex Systems and Language

Language is a complex system, and displays each property of a complex system. Components are realizations of linguistic features as they are deployed by human agents, speakers. Activity consists of our conversations and writing Exchange is our comparison of different components used by different speakers/writers in different conversations/writings Reinforcement is the changing likelihood of components occurring in future cases of situations for conversations and writing Emergence is configuration of components, whether words, pronunciations, or constructions, that comes to occur in the local communities, regional and social, and in circumstances for speech and writing. Complex systems is a natural fit with the science of language. Because nonlinear asymptotic hyperbolic curves (A-curves) are found in any situation of use and across social, geographical, and textual spaces, they can be used and analyzed in a variety of contexts and across different subfields of linguistics for various research purposes for the data at hand. A-curves can be used in linguistics subfields to model all aspects of the data and variation found there.